The Netflix animated series Masters of the Universe: Revelation is a radical return to Eternia, and the Masterverse collection brings the reboot to life with equally radical action figures. Each deluxe-styled figure is approximately 7 inches tall and designed with a high level of detail fans will love. Featuring heroic warriors, like Savage He-Man, and villainous foes, the character figures have more than 30 points of articulation and come with swappable hands and multiple accessories for epic storytelling and displays! For collectors and fans who treasure the MOTU legacy and its expert revitalization, these Master of the Universe deluxe figures are must-haves. Fans will want them all By the power of Grayskull!, they make great gifts to help start or build a collection. Each sold separately, subject to availability. Colors and decorations may vary.
Masters of the Universe Masterverse Revelation action figures celebrate the exciting Netflix animated series Masters of the Universe: Revelation.
The Masterverse collection of 7-inch action figures includes heroes like Savage He-Man and other fan-favorite characters for display and storytelling fun.
With more than 30 points of articulation, Savage He-Man figure is extremely posable for action moves and epic displays!
Also known as Wun-dar, the character figure comes with a harness and 3 weapons -- a spear, sword and axe -- to expand the storytelling options with menacing battle accessories!
Savage He-Man also comes with his Trollan friend Orko figure who appears to float on a clear base!
The Masterverse deluxe figures make a great gift for collectors and fans, who will appreciate the preservation of MOTU traditions combined with modernized design elements.
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